Presentation of OMNI-Net Information Resources in Uzhhorod and Lviv

During September 8-11, 2017, OMNI-Net representatives Prof. Wladimir Wertelecki (Director of Child Development and Birth Defects Prevention Programs, OMNI-Net Head of the Board, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University and “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” National University) and Serhii Lapchenko (OMNI-Net information coordinator) visited Uzhhorod and met with the Rector of the Uzhhorod National University (UzhNU) Prof. Volodymyr Smolanka (Doctor of Medical Sciences, President of the Ukrainian Association of Neurosurgeons). At the meeting, there was also a member of OMNI-Net Erika Patskun (Medical Geneticist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry of the Uzhhorod National University).

Prof. W. Wertelecki (left) and Prof. V. Smolanka

During the meeting the following issues were discussed: plans for cooperation; the responsibility of physicians and medical institutions for public health; the importance of Medical Genetics for diagnosis and medical research; prevention of birth defects by flower folic acid fortification in Ukraine; the “Clinical Eye Openers” training site for medical specialists, students and interns, which is actively developed by the OMNI-Net.

The program of Prof. W. Wertelecki’s visit also included the presentation of the “Clinical Eye Openers (CEO)” site for students of the medical faculties # 1 and 2 (III, IV, V, VI courses) with the simultaneous online broadcasting to other regions of Ukraine via the CEO YouTube channel (see the broadcast record on the CEO site).

Meeting of Prof. W. Wertelecki with UzhNU foreign students
During the presentation

On September 1 Prof. W. Wertelecki gave a final interview for the media center of the Uzhhorod National University.

During September 13-15, Prof. W. Wertelecki continued presenting OMNI-Net resources to medical specialists, teachers and students of the Lviv National Medical University (LNMU). As well he lectured on neurofibromatosis at the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of the LNMU Faculty of Postgraduate Education. All these activities were broadcasted to other regions of Ukraine through the CEO YouTube channel (see the broadcasts at the Clinical Eye Openers website).

Presentation for the LNMU students
Lecture at the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology
Updated: 2025/01/31 — 20:25